Good Corporate Governance

Compliance Policy


     The Company is determined to operate our business with honesty and committed to our obligations of all applicable laws, regulations, and practices in order to maintain confidence and trust of the stakeholders. For this reason, the Board of Directors establishes this policy.



     To make everyone in our organization understand and aware of the importance of the duties to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and practices in order to discharge duties and be in accordance with the practice guidelines of the Company and of external regulatory agencies, which have legal and regulatory authority, as well as to prevent and mitigate compliance risk that may arise.



     Personnel of Bangkok Life Assurance Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries must study, understand, and strictly abide by the practice guidelines in this policy.




     means the laws, regulations, practices, and operating standards, which are relevant to and have an impact on business operations of the Company, which include but not limited to the Life Insurance Act. B.E. 2535, the Securities and Exchange Act, the Personal Data Protection Act, the Anti-Money Laundering Act, the Counter Terrorism and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Financing Act, regulations issued by the OIC and the SEC, the PDPC and the AMLO as well as Employment Law and Revenue Code, etc.

     The laws, rules, regulations, practice guidelines and relevant operational guidelines may come from various sources including laws, rules, regulations, practice guidelines, which are established by regulators or practice guidelines and practices set forth by business associations or internal practices for Company personnel. These rules may be social norms or values in fair conduct in addition to the regulations enforced by law.

Compliance Risk

     means risks that occur as a result of violation or negligence to comply with the laws, rules, regulations, standards, and practices, which are imposed on the Company’s transactions, which may result in financial damage, reputational damage, or business intervention by regulators.


Compliance Policy

  • Exhibit the determination in high ethical standard and compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules, and policies, and promote compliance culture.
  • Promote transparent and honest communication, disclosure of violation of regulations and analysis of root causes to prevent recurrence.
  • Establish that there be a monitoring and reporting system to identify non-compliance or errors in the system of the compliance governance, and to protect the Company and its personnel from intentionally or unintentionally violating the regulations as well as punishment or any damage that may occur.
  • Establish that there be regular assessment and review of compliance risk.


Revision of Policy

     The Company reviews the policy regularly or when a significant change occurs.