Good Corporate Governance

Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice

     We, Bangkok Life Assurance PCL and affiliated companies including other companies or organizations controlled by or operated under our control which may share a majority of shareholders or directors (herein after referred to as “We” or “The Company”), respect your privacy rights and are committed to protecting your personal data. We provide this privacy notice to inform you of our policy in relation to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data and sensitive data. This privacy notice is to help you understand how we collect, use, process and disclose your personal data; how we operate in relation to your rights, confidentiality and security of your personal data and how you can contact us. We suggest that you read this notice and fully understand its content.

1. Personal data we collect, use and disclose

         Types of personal data that we collect, use, processes and/or discloses depends on purpose of your consent. In this regard, we aim to collect only personal data necessary or related for compliance with the Laws, entering into a contract or because you have asked the Company to do something before entering into a contract and/or receiving service or extra services from the Company.

         In case you did not provide some type of personal data, grant consent, and/or to revoke consent for collection, use and/or disclosure of data may cause the Company inability to process your request, or provide service to you, or have limited actions.

         When you provide any personal data related to third parties to the Company, you hereby certify and guarantee an accuracy of such personal data. You also certify and guarantee that you have completely informed those parties of the details of this Policy.

         We collect personal data when you sign up for a service, purchase a product or when you receive any service from us. The data we collect are as follows:

          1.1 Information we receive from you when you register or fill an application form or any other forms to receive or use any products/services from us. Such information may include your name, family name, number of identification card or other cards of the same nature, phone number, date of birth, gender, mailing address, email, photo, employment details, health information, signature etc. depending on the application form or any other form that you fill

          1.2 Financial Information such as income, source of income, tax information, bank account, bank statements, credit card details, loan details, investment details and any other payment details.

          1.3 Legal information such as criminal records, any record of legal proceeding whether civil or criminal or any other lawsuit including reports from investigation officers and court orders

          1.4 Details of products and services which you have purchased or received from us or other companies such as an insurance policy number, sum assured amount, changes/transactions related to an insurance policy, insurance premium payment method, premium payment history, loan record, names of beneficiaries and premium payer or claim history

          1.5 Position towards Anti-Money Laundering, Combating the Financing of Terrorism and the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Bankruptcy, Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)

          1.6 Transaction details you have with us such as employment details, life insurance agent application record, bidding record, insurance policy details, policy coverage details, insurance premium, purchase record for products distributed by us as well as payment details which include credit or debit card details, bank account number or bank details or any other payment mode including the date and time it is made depending on the nature of your transaction

          1.7 Information obtained from your visit to or applications that we operate, website and application usage details, social media history and interactions with our online ads. Such information may include browser type and version, type of devices used to access our services (personal computer, laptop or smartphone) information about operation systems and internet protocol address (IP address) of end devices, location details related to the location and products that you visit or search for

          1.8 Record of your communication with us that is stored in a form of user’s satisfaction details, research and statistics, or recordings of conversation, incoming call numbers or footage recordings from CCTV when you contact our customer service center as well as information provided via different media platforms e.g., SMS, social media, application or email

          1.9 Information you provide us upon a request for additional information about products and services for the purpose of being contacted by us

          1.10 Contact information and other details such as identification number or other types of verification cards, phone number as well as demographic information related to you which you have given us upon your participation of activities, competitions, lucky draws, campaigns or surveys

          1.11 Information pertaining to your online social media profile and your social media credentials such as Facebook, twitter and LINE to connect or access any of our services such as social media account ID, interests and likes as well as your friend lists. This privacy control can be configured in the settings menu on your social media platform

          1.12 Information you provide us upon creating an online account or an account for an application. Generally, these services are reserved for account owner only. If you choose to allow another person such as your family member or your representative use your account, you shall ask that person to study this policy in detail

          1.13 In case you give us personal information that is related to a third party (which may include but is not limited to the insured, the person you trust, a family member or a beneficiary) you confirm and guarantee the accuracy of such personal data, and that you have fully informed such persons about the details in this privacy notice and have been granted consent from such persons to collect their personal data except in case not required by law.

          1.14 In case you want to calculate initial insurance premiums through a system for individual brokers (Financial Service) to prepare documents for sale and application for electronic life insurance (Smart Banc) based on personal information (such as name, surname, ID Card and/or contact, etc.) The Company will use the information for the purpose of calculating insurance premiums. Including storing your information in the Company's system for the purpose of entering into a contract or for the processing of personal data upon any request you made prior to entering into that contract.

          1.15 In case of other personal data for which we are legally required to obtain consent from you prior to collecting, we will notify and request consent from you before collecting any of your data or by the period specified by law.

2. How we collect or acquire personal data

          We collect your personal data with the following procedures:

          2.1 Data that you have given us e.g., information that you provide to register or create a profile to use our services or the information that you have provided us by filling in life insurance application forms including additional documents/forms that you have submitted to us as well as information that we receive from you when you voluntarily participate in a survey or when you offer your feedback via paper form, phone, message, message board or email or Personal information you provide for the preliminary premium calculation through the Company's electronic system (Smart BANC) and/or

          2.2 Data which are automatically stored when you use our services via a technology known as cookies, the details of which can be found at Cookies Policy (click) or via other similar technologies such as mobile application activity and a device that you use to access our services

          2.3 Information related to you which we obtain from affiliated companies and from a third party which are necessary for the services such social media service providers that are connected to our services, hospitals and/or business partners or other service providers

          2.4 Information related to you that we obtain from a third party, public records and non-public records

          2.5 Information pertaining your communication with our personnel, customer service officers, sales officers, agents, brokers, insurance brokers, partners or business alliances, third-party vendors or other agencies related to us as well as the representative of such persons or agencies via website, application, online social media, phone, email, in-person meeting, interview, SMS, fax, mail, or any other means

          2.6 Information we obtain from the government sector and/or regulators

          2.7 When you use the Company’s office building, the Company collects your personal information directly through the card redemption process (such as name, surname, ID Card, Driver's license, date of birth, address.) to process information from identification documents. The Company does not intend to collect sensitive personal data information appearing on any type of verification documents.

          2.8 When you enter the area of the Company's office building, the Company collects information from your activities. by collecting footage recordings (and audio recordings for some cases) through the Company's CCTV Which is located inside - outside the Company's office building

     In such cases, our terms and conditions will specify the activities which require the processing of your personal data specifically for such services. When you register to use any of our services, you will have an opportunity to check the service terms and conditions in advance. As required by law, we will ask you about your voluntary wish to give consent to us regarding the terms and conditions.

     Refusal to give certain type of personal data, give consent and/or withdraw the consent for us to collect, use and/or disclose your data may result in the inability or limited ability to respond to your request or offer you services.

3. Why we collect and use personal data

          We use personal data which you provide upon entering an agreement with us or because you have asked the Company to do something before entering into a contract, buying our products, browsing or using our services to respond to the objectives for which you give us your data as well as to enhance your experience with our products and services. We use your information for the following purposes:

          3.1 To process or underwrite insurance applications for life insurance, group insurance and the reinsurance of our products

          3.2 To process dividend and claim payment

          3.3 To provide you services and to improve our products and services as well as the administration and operation of such products and services

          3.4 To contact you, to submit documents related to the operation of products and services as well as to manage our relationship with you

          3.5 To improve our services and tailor them to your interests

          3.6 To give advice and suggestions about our products and/or services which may interest you

          3.7 To complete the request that you have submitted to us via our website or mobile application such as a quotation for our products

          3.8 To facilitate the administration of our internal work process as well as problem analysis, solution finding and financial auditing

          3.9 To manage our relationship with you

          3.10 To verify your identity when you log in to our online account or via application to ensure the communication you have with us is secure and confidential

          3.11 To facilitate our business operations such as data analysis, audit, product development, improvement or changes of our services, service user trends, sales promotion campaign, business operation and expansion

          3.12 To send you information related to business operations such as information related to our services, changes of our terms and conditions as well as policies

          3.13 To send you marketing information and to inform you about our sales promotion

          3.14 To invite you to participate in a survey to help us improve our services

          3.15 To comply with regulatory obligations

          3.16 To organize activities and seminars for you

          3.17 To verify information about your comments or complaints and to process your requests

          3.18 To verify information about new recruits and to contact applicants

          3.19 To ensure security

          3.20 To undertake any action we deem necessary or appropriate: (A) to verify, prevent and detect any violation of the law or actions suspicious of violating the law (B) to comply with applicable laws (C) to complete legal processes including a legal trial (D) to meet the requests of the government agencies as well as state agencies and applicable foreign agencies (E) to enforce requirements related to our services and personal data declaration (F) to protect our operations (G) to protect our, your and an individual’s privacy, safety or property and (H) to help us find corrective solution or limit the damage which may be incurred

          3.21 When you want to calculate initial insurance premiums through a system for individual brokers (Financial Service) to prepare documents for sale and application for electronic life insurance (Smart Banc) based on personal information (such as name, surname, ID Card and/or contact, etc.) The Company will use the information for the purpose of calculating insurance premiums. Including storing your information in the Company's system for the purpose of entering into a contract or for the processing of personal data upon any request you made prior to entering into that contract.

          3.22 Other purposes which are not mentioned above will be specified when we ask for your information or collect your information and use it in accordance with a legal exemption.

We will only use your personal data for the purposes mentioned above when:

  1. you have given us a legal consent;
  2. it is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party, or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract;
  3. it is to prevent or suppress a danger to life, body or health of an individual;
  4. It is necessary for us to carry out tasks for the public benefit or to exercise the rights given to us by the government;
  5. it is necessary for our legitimate interests or of other persons or juristic persons unless such benefits are less important than your fundamental rights of personal data;
  6. it is necessary in order to comply with the laws;
  7. to document history to archive for the public benefit or carry out research or conduct statistical analysis in which case we will implement suitable measures to protect your rights and freedom, and
  8. it is necessary for the establishment or defense of legal claims.

          Unless otherwise required by applicable laws and regulations, we will request a consent from you if we wish to use your personal data for other purposes than what are listed in this privacy notice or for any other purpose that is directly related to this privacy notice.

4. How we protect your personal data

          Protecting your privacy is our priority. We have data security policy and measures in place. We also limit access to your personal data to individuals who need to use your information in order to seek products or offer services such as employees or our agents. The personnel who are authorized by us to access your information are required to protect and maintain confidentiality of your personal data. We also have security measures in place to physically and electronically protect your data to comply with applicable regulatory standards which aim to protect your personal data.

In the event where we enter into a contract with a third-party vendors or individuals, we establish that such individuals must comply with suitable standards and policy regarding personal data protection. These parties must also have appropriate measures to safeguard and protect your personal data.

5. Retention period of your personal data

          5.1 We will retain your data only as long as necessary considering the necessity and the purposes of collecting, processing as well as fulfilling regulatory obligations.

          5.2 We will continue to collect, use and disclose your personal data even when you have terminated the relationship with us to the extent necessary as per the provisions of the law or for a legitimate interest, or we may store anonymized data whether directly or indirectly. Specifically for insurance contracts, we will continue to store your data for a certain period of time although the insurance contract is no longer in force in order to be consistent with the period and prescription of applicable laws. We will store your personal data in the format suitable for type of personal data. Nevertheless, we need to store your personal data even after the legal period and prescription; for example, in case where there is a deposit of maturity money into life insurance reserve or during a legal trial etc. We will retain your data only as long as necessary considering the necessity and the purposes of collecting, processing as well as fulfilling regulatory obligations.

          5.3 In case you use/enter office building area;

  1. In the case of footage/footage and audio recorded through CCTV will be retained for a period of 60 days, after the expiration of such period will be automatically deleted, and
  2. In the case of identity verification information from the card redemption process, the Company does not record information from your identity documents. And the Company will return your identity document when you leave the office building of the Company.

          5.4 In case of clause 1.14, the Company will collect your personal data for a period of 30 days and will delete that data or convert such information so it is no longer personal information, in accordance with the standards set by law.

6. Disclosure and transfer of your personal data

     6.1 Disclosure of your personal data

      1 Disclosure of information and transfer of personal data to other organizations

     We may disclose your personal data to another company in our affiliated group to ensure that you receive maximum benefits from the services you receive from us as well as to support our business operations with regard to giving you services and for other purposes listed in this privacy notice. The affiliated company will handle your personal data independently or in the name of Bangkok Life Assurance PCL in accordance with this privacy notice as well as applicable laws.

      2 Disclosure of personal data to a business partner or a third party

     We work with our business partners or third-parties who offer a variety of services such as follows: data analysis, data processing, credit card related transactions, technological services and preparation of relevant infrastructures, developing customer service platforms, sending email/SMS, development of website and mobile application, reinsurance, satisfaction survey and research and customer relations management. We will disclose your personal data so that our business partners or such third parties may help us service/deliver services for the purposes specified in the section “Why we collect and use your data”. We operate to ensure that your personal data will be protected and that the third parties to whom we disclose your data will comply with our requirements and will not use your personal data for their own purposes or interests. Such measures may include entering into an agreement with business partners and third parties as we deem appropriate.

      3 Disclosure of personal data for other purposes

     We may disclose your personal data on other necessary grounds which include:

  1. compliance with applicable laws
  2. compliance with governmental obligations and/or orders of authorized persons or coordinate with relevant agencies in matters related to compliance with the laws
  3. responding to the safety of an individual or the public
  4. in a legal trial, investigation and other legal matters in which personal data are involved
  5. in a safety-related investigation
  6. enforcement of the requirements related to our services

     6.2 Transfer of personal data abroad

     In the event where we transfer and/or send personal data abroad, we will establish a standard for making agreements and/or contracts with agencies or organizations who will receive such personal data that they shall have a standard for personal data protection that is acknowledged and consistent with applicable laws to ensure that your personal data is securely protected.

     Your personal data may be transferred, stored or processed by us for other purposes or sent to an individual or organization which may be located or offer services inside or outside Thailand. If obligated by applicable laws, we may request consent from you to transfer such information out of Thailand to the third parties mentioned above. Your personal data will be transferred to a destination which has accurate and adequate degree of secured protection for personal data.

7. How we use sensitive personal data

           On certain occasions for which it is necessary for us to collect, use or disclose sensitive personal data such as personal data related to race, religion, sexual behavior, disability, genetic and biometric data etc. to complete requests for the purposes of collecting your personal data or selling products or services, we will request consent from you to collect, use or disclose sensitive data and clearly inform you how we operate for such purposes except in the event where the collection, use or disclosure of sensitive data is legally exempt from consent request.

8. Use of Personal Data for Marketing Purposes

         Aside from the purposes mentioned above and those under the provision of the law, we may use your name and contact information for marketing purposes such as sending you materials about promotions (via mail, email, phone and/or other channels) and conduct direct marketing offers to increase special offers that you will receive as our customers through product recommendations and relevant services.

          You may opt out of marketing communications preferences from us. Please note that communications related to products and/or additional services which we offer to you such as insurance premium reminder notice and insurance premium are not considered marketing communications.

If you wish to opt out of our marketing communications,

  • you may choose not to receive our emails or SMS which are related to marketing by clicking “unsubscribe” at the end of the email or SMS you receive from us;
  • alternatively, you can contact our Call Center at 02 777 8888 or

9. Your rights under the Personal Data Protection Act

          9.1 You have the right to access and obtain a copy of your personal data held by us. We have an appropriate identity verification process in place for such requests.

          9.2 You have the right to request that we rectify and update your personal data to be most up to date, complete and not cause any misunderstanding.

          9.3 You have the right to temporarily restrict the use of your personal data.

          9.4 You have the right to object to the collection, use or disclosure of personal data related to you as well as the right to object to the processing of personal data.

          9.5 You have the right to request that we erase, destroy or anonymize your personal data.

          9.6 You have the right to withdraw the consent given to us to collect, use or disclose your personal data. The consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the collection, use or disclose of your personal data based on the consent before it is withdrawn.

          9.7 You have the right to inquire about your personal data in our possession, the characteristics of the data as well as why we use them.

          9.8 You have the right to ask us to send or transfer your personal data to you, an individual or an organization of your choice.

          9.9 You have the right to request that we disclose how we obtained personal data related to you in case this is the information which you have not given consent to collect or store.

          You may request to access or to rectify your personal data and make complaints or requests related to your personal data by contacting our Call Center at 02 777 8888 or email us at

          Under applicable laws and regulations, we may request reasonable amount of reimbursement to operate the requests related to personal data or deny the exercise of your rights under legal conditions set forth by law. In case we cannot complete your requests, we will record the rejection with reasons provided.

10. Use of Cookies

          Cookies are small text files generated by the website or service provider and stored in your computer by web browser (with your permission) which helps the website system or the service provider know your browser and can detect and remember certain information, including your website visit behavior. Nevertheless, the codes in the cookies will allow the website to know that you are a specific user but it will not be able to identify your name, address or any other information unless you have given such information to the website or have a default browser configuration for cookies which means that when you visit our website, we will automatically store your data via cookies or via a similar technological means. You may choose to not accept cookies by changing the settings on your browsers. You can choose to be notified every time cookies are sent or you can also choose your settings to deny the use of cookies. We advise that you study more about our Cookies Policy (click)

11. Links to websites and other services

           Our privacy policy only applies to our website. A part of our website or application may lead you to a third-party website or service via a link such as social networks. These websites may not comply with this privacy notice. We cannot be held accountable for a third-party website and service or their operation related to personal data.

12. Changes to this privacy notice

           We keep our privacy notices under regular review. If there are any changes, we will update this page to tell you, for example, about any new uses of personal data.

           Check this page to make sure you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it and the circumstances we may share it with other organizations.

           From time to time, we may also tell you in other ways about the processing of your personal data.

13. How to contact us

          If you have any questions or would like more details about our privacy notice, please contact us through the following channels:

Company Name Bangkok Life Assurance PCL
Our address 1415 Krungthep-Nonthaburi Rd. Wong Sawang, Bang Sue, Bangkok 10800
Our website
Our Call Center 02-777-8888
Our Data Protection Officer Head of Compliance Office

14. How to contact supervisory authorities

          If you wish to file a complaint or if you feel that we have not satisfactorily responded to your concern, you may contact the Office of Personal Data Protection Committee.

Privacy Notice For BLA Shareholders

Privacy Notice For BLA Shareholders

     Bangkok Life Assurance Public Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Company” or “We” or “we” or “BLA”) gives importance to protecting the personal data of our shareholders and also their proxies or attorneys-in-fact (hereinafter referred to as “agent”). To ensure that we protect and manage your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562, we have established this Privacy Notice for your acknowledgement of the details pertaining to the processing of personal data which may occur and of the rights of your personal data as well as ways to reach us.

Clause 1 Purposes of Collecting, Use and Disclosure of Personal Data

          The Company may collect, use or disclose your personal data under a lawful basis for the following purposes:

Clause Purposes for Processing Lawful Basis
1.1 For managing a shareholder register, granting a proxy and performing other activities pursuant to the Public Limited Company Act, the Securities Exchange Act and other applicable laws. Such activities include recording and preparing meeting minutes to submit to relevant agencies such as the Securities Exchange of Thailand Legal Obligation
1.2 For payment of dividend to shareholders and repayment of capital Legal Obligation
Contractual Basis
1.3 For holding, attending and administering the General Meeting of Shareholders e.g., registering meeting attendees, recording meeting resolution, preparing and organizing activities and events and facilitating shareholders etc. Legitimate Interests
1.4 For recording of images, audio and video recordings during the meetings for the benefit of broadcasting the meeting on the Company website and other communication channels. Legitimate Interests
1.5 For preparing database and perform other activities pertaining to promoting investors’ relations and providing benefits to you as our shareholders, including conducting surveys, analysis or for improving the Company’s operations. Legitimate Interests
1.6 For risk management, internal control and oversight of audit and corporate governance and organization management. Legitimate Interests
1.7 For establishing the right to legal claims, compliance or exercise any legal rights or for raising any defense against any legal claim, for proceeding any litigation including and for execution of the judgement. Legitimate Interests
1.8 For compliance with legal obligations, orders of the competent and legally authorities or any competent official such as to comply with summons, court injunction, police officers, prosecutors, government authorities and for reporting or disclosing any information to government bodies or independence entities. Legal Obligation
1.9 For the management and administration concerning your health and safety. Vital Interests

Clause 2 Personal Data that collected

2.1 How your personal information is collected

We collect personal information directly from you in circumstances such as: We’ll also collect your personal information directly from third parties such as:
The Company shall collect your personal data by requesting it directly from you i.e., by having you fill in any forms created by BLA or enquiring data from you or requesting you to submit to us any document containing your personal data. The Company may, under some circumstances, collect your personal data from other sources in order to fulfil the aforesaid purposes in Clause 1 such as from the securities registrar.

2.2 General Personal Data

Data we process: Example
Information that identifies you. (Identity Data) first name, last name, identity card number, passport number, date of birth, gender, age, nationality, signature, information regarding the change of first name and or last name, current photo;
Your contact details (Contact Data) address, phone number, email;
Your financial information (Financial Data) bank account number (used for receiving dividend payment, face value and/or interests), number of shares;
Data pertaining to the communication you have with us (Communication Data) video and audio recording when you contact us;
Other data occupation, opinions or recommendations etc.

​2.3 Sensitive Personal Data

     In general, BLA does not require to collect any “religion” and “blood type” specified in your identity card, for any specific purpose. In the event that you provide us the copy of your identity card, you should to make invisible such data. If you do not make invisible of such data, we would like to inform you that we do not collect or use that personal data.
     ​However, for the personal data processing of shareholders of BLA, there may be some activities that BLA shall request some additional sensitive personal data when you participate in any activities for shareholders. We will specifically notify in the request consent form and BLA shall clearly request your consent before collecting such sensitive personal data.

Clause 3 Retention Period of Personal Data

The Company shall retain your personal data as long as it is necessary for the purposes of collecting, use or disclosure such personal data set out in this Privacy Notice. The criteria for establishing the retention period include:

  1. The duration of relationship between BLA and you,
  2. The ongoing duration of any interest BLA is still providing to you,
  3. The period BLA retains your personal data as necessary in order to comply with applicable laws or within legal prescription for establishing the right to legal claims, to comply with or to exercise the right to legal claims or to raise against any right to legal claim for other courses as specified in Policy and Internal Rules and Regulation of BLA.

Clause 4 Disclosure of Personal Data

Clause BLA may disclose your personal data to the following third parties:
4.1 subsidiary companies, affiliated companies and BLA Group companies for their support given to BLA to fulfil the aforesaid purposes in Clause 1
4.2 government authorities, regulator authorities or other authorities as prescribed by law including law enforcement officers such as court, police, the Securities and Exchange Commission, revenue department
4.3 agents, contractors, subcontractors, and/ or other service providers e.g., the organizers for events or activities to facilitate shareholders, auditors, lawyers, legal consultants, financial institutes appointed as financial advisor
4.4 Banks are responsible for making payment to shareholders
4.5 Registrar of shareholders

Clause 5 Transfer, Transmission and/or Sending Personal Data to a Foreign Country

     In the event where the Company transfers, transmit and/or send data to a foreign country, the Company shall formulate agreements and/or business contracts with entities or organizations that will receive such Personal Data to have acceptable Personal Data protection standards and in accordance with relevant laws to ensure that the Personal Data will be safely protected.

Clause 6 Rights of Data Subject

     As the owner of personal data, you have legal rights as prescribed in the Personal Data Protection Act B.E 2562. You can exercise your rights in accordance with terms specified under Clause 8.

Clause Rights Explanation
6.1 Right to be Informed The right to be informed about the existence, the type of Personal Data, BLA’s purposes of Personal Data use, Retention Period of Personal Data and Disclosure of Personal Data
6.2 Right of access The right to access and request a copy of Personal Data which is under the responsibility of BLA where appropriate identity verification procedure shall apply
6.3 Right to rectification The right to request BLA to make corrections, amendments or changes Personal Data to be up to date, complete and not causing misunderstanding
6.4 Right to erasure The right to request erasure, destruction or anonymization of Personal Data
6.5 Right to restrict processing The right to request BLA to restrict the use of your personal data as prescribed by law
6.6 Right to data portability The right to request BLA to transfer your given BLA personal data to the other party as prescribed by law
6.7 Right to object The right to object to collect, use or disclosure Personal Data including the right to object any Personal Data processing
6.8 Right to withdraw consent In the event BLA requested your consent, you will have the right to withdraw such consent for the processing of your personal data already given to BLA unless such withdrawal is restricted by law or by any contract that benefits you. Such consent withdrawal shall not affect any personal data processing legally conducted according to your prior consent.
6.9 Right to lodge a complaint You have the right to file a complaint with the competent authority under the Personal Data Protection Act B.E 2562 if BLA breaches or does not comply with the said Act.

Clause 7 Changes to this privacy notice

     We keep our privacy notices under regular review. If there are any changes, we will update this page to inform you about any new uses of personal data. Visit to make sure you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it and the circumstances we may share it with other organizations. From time to time, we may also inform you in other ways about the processing of your personal data.

Clause 8 Contact

     8.1 Contact the Company or the Data protection Officer

Company Name Bangkok Life Assurance PCL
Our address 1415 Krungthep-Nonthaburi Rd. Wong Sawang, Bang Sue, Bangkok 10800
Our website
Our Call Center 02-777-8888
Our Corporate Secretary Office 02-777-8845
Our Data Protection Officer Head of Compliance Office

     8.2 How to contact supervisory authorities

          If you wish to file a complaint or if you feel that we have not responded to your concern, you may contact the Office of Personal Data Protection Committee.

16th February 2023